Friday, September 12, 2008

MHM-MHM GOOD (September 4th)


Today was another easy day of easing into French life, and therefore, I don’t have anything too intense to report upon. Unfortunately, our lucky streak of sun has finally ended, but clouds alone definitely aren’t bad enough to make me want to curl up in bed all day. No, we’re still going out and about as we continue shopping for “necessity” items that keep (slowly) making themselves known (Confused? Think dish soap, sponges, bathroom mats, instant coffee, etc.).

Tonight we’re having our first of many “family” dinners! It’s very exciting. Wendy is coming to our residence in order to teach us how to make a stir-fry with cuscus. I’ve never seen a woman more excited over such a simple thing. As she explains, being in France for a semester isn’t just going to teach us the content being studied in Dance Movement III, Experiencing the Arts, Reason and Romanticism, and Dance Criticism. Instead, we’re going to be learning life lessons, and she’s going to be the one to make sure of it! Hmm… and just think, by the time we’re finally forced to leave, we’re gonna be master chefs too! Who would of thought? :-P

Anyway, we bought all of the vegetables and meat for the dinner at the open market on the next block today. It was such a crazy experience! I'd never been to anything like that before. I'd shop there every week if I truly lived in France (and just the delicious smells of the market alone are enough to make that statement true).

I can’t wait to see/taste/smell how good all of the food we make comes out! Don't worry... I'll let you all in on the goodness.

Avec l'Amour,

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